Basic facts about LASER
Basic facts about LASER
Laser is acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Introduction and History:
Laser is like magic light machine that can
cut, drill, weld metals, perform bloodless and painless surgeries, destroy
satellites, help in computer use and provide sophistication to almost all
phases of life. The discovery of laser changed drastically the scientific and
technology world during second half century of 20thcentury.
As it is seen that the conventional light
obtained from sun, starts, electric lamp, fire, etc. is un-polarized,
incoherent, divergent and weak. Hence, researcher focused on getting polarized,
coherent, directional and bright light.
In 1917, Albert
Einstein predicted theoretically the process of stimulated emission. This
process is basic principle of laser. But due to practical problems involved in
development practical laser took 43 years. The first working laser was built by
an American Physicist Theodore Maiman in 1960.
But before that practical laser discovery some
developments took place which led to this discovery. In 1939, USSR Physicist
Fabrikant suggested about amplification of electromagnetic radiation by
stimulated emission. Then MASER (Microwave
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) theory was developed by
American Physicist Charles Townes and Arthur Schawlow and independently by USSR
Physicist Basov and Prokhorov in 1954. Townes, Basov Prokhorov and were awarded
the Nobel Prize in 1964. Townes and Schawlow built first maser in 1954. These
scientists suggested about the possibility of an optical laser in 1959.
ALL these efforts
produced the result of successful demonstration of working ruby laser by T. H.
Maiman in 1960. In the same year Ali Javan discovered He-Ne gas laser. In 1962,
Robert Hall and Nathan developed semiconductor laser. In 1964, Kumar Patel
invented CO2 laser.
The lasers find
applications in many areas. They brought amazing changes in the field of
communication in particular. The laser is leading the way in new field of science
called “Photonics".
Some basic concepts to
study Laser principle
1. Nature principle
According to nature principle,
“Every system in nature
is in stable condition when it possesses minimum energy”.
If there is shortage or excess of energy
then the system is in unstable or excited state. The extent of excitation is
depending upon extent of shortage or excess of energy with the system. But in
nature every system is always trying to acquire stable state by giving excess
energy or giving shortage of energy from suitable system. The life time of
excitation is 10-8 second in normal condition.
Within 10-8
second system goes to stable state if it is disturbed from stability.
2. Fermions and Bosons:
are sub-atomic
particle with half odd spin (1/2), governed by the Fermi-Dirac
important characteristic of fermions is
that there is only one particle to occupy the same quantum state. The
particles like electron, proton, quarks and leptons are fermions.
is sub-atomic
particle with integral spin (0, 1), governed by the Bose-Einstein
An important characteristic of bosons is that there is no
restriction on the number of them that occupy the same quantum state. The
particles like photons, pions and nuclei of even mass number are bosons.
3. Atomic energy states:
a. Ground state: The electrons revolving in different orbits round the nucleus constitutes stable atom. Let us consider the sodium atom 11Na23.
Fig A |
The electron distribution is 1S2
, 2S2 , 2P6 , 3S1 , 3P0 . In this case the entire atom has minimum energy, and the atom
is said to be in ground state, which is stable
state. This ground state energy can be
represented by E1. In the ground state: 1. The atom is stable. 2. The electron distribution is normal. 3. The atom has minimum energy. |
b. Excited state:
Fig B |
Consider one electron in 2S state, which is
excited to 3P state by supplying
energy. Along with the electron the atom also has excess energy and the atom
is in excited state. This excited state of the atom is represented by E2. In the excited state: 1. The atom is unstable. 2. The electron distribution is not normal. 3. The atom has excess
energy. |
In further
discussion, the atom as whole is taken in to consideration, with two energy
states: Ground state E1 and Excited state E2..
4. Boltzmann's
Distribution Law:
Every matter is made up of large number of atoms or molecules.
Normally majority atoms are in ground state, but some atoms, in ordinary
conditions also, stay in excited state. The number atoms in any atomic state
are governed by Boltzmann's distribution law.
Let N1 be the number of
atoms (or population) in ground state of energy E1, N2 be the
number of atoms (or population) in excited state of energy E2, k be Boltzmann's
constant and T be the Kelvin temperature of the system.
Boltzmann's distribution law is stated in mathematical form:
N2 = N1
e-(E2 – E1) / k T
Fig C
This law indicates that the population of ground state is very
large as compared to the population of excited state (N1 ˃˃ N2). |
5. Pumping:
The population of lower state is always greater than the
population of higher state in normal condition. But by supplying proper energy
some of the atoms may be taken from lower state to higher state, by exciting
the electrons of those atoms. This process is called pumping.(It is well known
practice that water at lower tank is pumped to upper tank by pump.)
“The energy required to take atoms from lower energy state to
higher energy state is pumping energy”.
Fig D |
Fig D represents
the process of pumping by which atoms in lower energy level E1 is
taken upper energy level E2 by proper pumping energy. Optical,
electrical, chemical, thermal etc. energies are used for pumping. The pumping
process is one of important process for laser action. |
6. Meta-stable State:
Normally the excited electrons, in turn the
atoms of that electron, remain in excited state for the duration of 10-8 second.
This electron and atom attain stable state within 10-8 second. Due
to this there is no accumulation of atoms in excited state for longer duration.
For laser action accumulation in excited state little longer time is required.
This purpose is served by some of energy levels of some of the atoms ( e.g.
Cromium). Such levels are called meta-stable levels or states.
“ The energy level having longer duration of excitation life time
(of the order 10-3 second) is called meta-stable level or state”.
The excitation life time of meta-stable level is nearly 105
times than that of life time of excitation of usual energy level. This
helps in bring accumulation of atoms in excited state little longer time.
7. Population Inversion:
Normally population of higher state is always lower than population of lower state ( N1 ˃ N2 ).
“If the population of atoms in higher energy state is greater
than the population of atoms in lower state then this situation is called
Population Inversion. ( N2 ˃ N1 )”
Fig E |
Fig E shows that
when number of atoms (N2) of upper state E2 is greater than
that of the number of atoms (N1) in lower state E1. The population
inversion can be achieved by using pumping energy. By pumping large number of
atoms to meta-stable state population inversion is brought. Laser operation
requires this non-equilibrium condition of population inversion. |
8. Radiation:
energy which is propagating in the form the electromagnetic wave is called
The electromagnetic wave is travelling with
the speed 3 x 108 m/s. Based
on range of frequency or wave length the radiation can be classified as: radio
waves, micro waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, γ-rays, and
cosmic rays.
9. Light:
electromagnetic waves of the wavelength range between 4000 ˚A to 7000 ˚A are
called visible light.”
These wavelengths are sensitive to human eye. The visible light
originates from the source by jumping of electrons from higher orbit to the
lower orbit in an atom. This gives one packet of energy called photon. But this
photon while travelling from one point to another point forms the
electromagnetic wave. Thus light behaves as particle and as well as wave .i.e.
light has dual nature-wave and particle. A ray of light may be treated as a
collection of plane, monochromatic, polarized waves of many frequencies,
direction of propagation and polarization planes.
The photon state is defined by three
projections of momentum (Px, Py, Pz) and
polarization σ. Thus photon state is represented by (Px, Py, Pz,
σ) . To change the photon state at least one of the four qualities must
be changed.
To know the effect of incident photon the
collection of atoms, let us consider one common experience. There is a mango
tree with full of mangoes. To detach one mango from the tree, when the stone is
thrown toward mango, the kinetic energy with the stone, if it over comes the
binding energy of mango, and then mango will fall down. Different things will
happen when stone is going towards mango.
a. The stone will not
hit the mango.
b. The stone will hit
the mango but mango will not detach due to insufficient supplied energy.
c. The stone will hit
the mango and detaching it, when stone kinetic energy matches with the binding
energy of mango.
In view of this example let consider
the effect of incident photon on the collection of atoms.
a. Photon Passes Away:
Fig F |
Let E1 be energy of ground
state of atoms with population N1 and E2 be energy of
excited state with population N2. ( N1 ˃ N2)
If the photon of energy hν not equal to E2 –E1, is
incident on collection of atoms then the photon simply passes through the
collection (Fig F). |
b. Stimulated Absorption:
“The process in which the atom absorbs photon energy and get excited is called stimulated absorption or simply absorption”
Fig G |
The photon of
energy hν = |
The conditions
required for stimulated absorption:
a. The population of
lower state (N1) must be greater than the population of excited
state (N2) i.e. N1 ˃ N2.
b. The incident
photon energy must match with energy level difference of the atom i.e. hν=E2-E1.
This is similar to absorbing kinetic energy of stone by stem in
our mango tree example.
Atom + hν = excited atom
The rate of absorption transition Rab
is the number of atoms per unit volume per second which are shifted from lower
level to higher level. Rab is proportional to the population N1
of lower state and the energy density of photons ρ(ν).
Rab = B12 ρ(ν) N1
Where, B12 is known as the Einstein coefficient for
stimulated absorption. B12 represents the probability of stimulated
transition from state 1 to state 2.
c. Spontaneous Emission:
“The emission of photon by an excited atom spontaneously is called spontaneous emission
Fig H |
After photon
absorption the atom which is in excited state has life time of excitation of
the order 10-8 second. So, the time duration the atom will remain
in excited state E2 is 10-8 second. This atom will drop
back to ground state E1 spontaneously. While doing so the electron
of that atom jumps from level E2 to level E1 by
emitting the photon of energy hν = E2 –E1 spontaneously
(Fig. H) . |
The spontaneous emission process is random in nature and
completely disorder and uncontrolled process. The light given out by usual sources like sun, star, electric
bulb, fire etc. is due to spontaneous emission. Hence light from these sources
is incoherent and polarized. The spontaneous emission is like public moving in
the bazaar.
Excited atom= atom + hν
The rate of
spontaneous transition Rsp is the number of atoms per unit volume
per second which are emitted from higher level to lower level. Rsp
is proportional to the population N2 of excited state only.
Rsp = A21
Where, A21 is known as the Einstein coefficient for spontaneous emission. A21 represents the probability of spontaneous transition from state 2 to state 1.
d. Stimulated Emission:
“The emission of photon
by an excited atom by the stimulus ( or induction ) given by incident photon of
matching energy is called stimulated emission.”
Now consider the situation in the
collection of atoms where in the population inversion (N2 ˃ N2)
is brought between meta-stable level (E2) and ground level (E1).
Fig I |
The photon of
energy hν = E2 – E1 is incident on the collection of atoms.
Then there is maximum probability that the photon will collide with atoms in
meta-stable level. There is resonance between the photon energy and excess energy
possess by atoms in E2.
This led to triggering action by the incident to the atom to emit
photon an excited atom. Due to this stimulus given by incident photon the
atom jumps from level E2 to level E1 by emitting the
photon of energy hν = E2 - E1. (Fig I) |
The boson nature of photon
leads that the incident photon and induced photon occupy same state. In other
words, the induced photon finds itself in the same state as that of induced
photon. This stimulated photon has same frequency, direction, phase and
polarization as that of incident photon.
In this process incident photon is one but output photons are
two. Thus stimulated emission brings amplification. These two photons have same
phase, they emerge together as coherent. The stimulated process is thus ordered, and controlled process. This process was
discovered theoretically by Einstein in 1917, while re-deriving Planck’s law of
radiation using the concepts of probability coefficients (called Einstein
coefficient) for absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission. This process is like
military march. The stimulated emission is basic principle of laser action.
Albert Einstein laid foundation for the invention of the laser.
The conditions
required for stimulated emissions are:
There should be population inversion (N2 ˃ N1)
To bring the population inversion, the upper level E2,
must be meta-stable state.
The incident photon must have energy hν = E2-E1
which brings resonance.
Excited atom + hν =
Atom + 2hν
The rate of stimulated emission Rst
is the number of atoms per unit volume per second which are shifted from
excited level to lower level. Rst is proportional to the population
N2 of excited state and the energy density of photons ρ(ν).
Rst = B21 ρ(ν) N2
Where, B21 is known as the Einstein coefficient for
stimulated emission. B21 represents the probability of stimulated
emission from state 2 to state 1.
By the process of stimulation
emissions the laser action takes place. The energy levels involved for laser
actions are:
a. Ground level
b. Pumping level
c. Upper lasing level
(usually meta-stable state)
d. Lower lasing level
(usually ground state)
however, same level can be used to serve two purposes. Accordingly, there are
three pumping schemes:
a. Two levels system:
The ground level also acts as lower
lasing level. Whereas pumping level and upper lasing level both together forms
upper level.
b. Three levels
The atoms are pumped to an excited level,
there by these excited atoms dropped to meta-stable state. Then laser action
takes place between this level and ground level.
c. Four level system:
For each state, as mentioned above, there are
four separate levels.
Active medium and Active
The material used for laser is called
active medium and atoms involved for actual laser action are called active
centers. The active medium may be solid, liquid, and gas. In case ruby laser
ruby is active medium and ions Cr+++ are active centers.
Fig J
The resonator
required for laser action, consists of active medium in the form of long
cylinder. One end of this cylinder is perfectly polished to serve as perfect
reflector and other end is partially polished to acts as partial reflector.(Fig
J) |
Partial reflector in this case has different meaning. This
reflector reflects light of intensity below certain threshold limit of
intensity. If the intensity of light is above the limit then entire light is
Characteristics of laser:
The laser has all the properties of light
such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference etc. But it has some
special properties:
Laser is (a) highly intense, (b) perfectly monochromatic, (c)
perfectly coherent, (d) highly directional and (e) polarized light.
a. Highly Intense Light:
The laser
is highly intense or bright light. This is because, the energy of laser source, is focused in only
in one direction. The large numbers of photons are travelling in particular
direction, whereas, in ordinary light source the photons are distributed in all
possible directions.
b. Perfectly Monochromatic
The laser is highly monochromatic light.
This is because; the resonant cavity makes the selectively of only one
wave-length of light in laser action.
E2 – E1
= hν = hc / λ
In ordinary source the photons are resulted
due to different transitions consisting of different wavelengths.
c. Perfectly Coherent
Due to stimulated emission process the laser is perfectly coherent. i.e. All the waves are
traveling in same phase due selectively of stimulated emission. Laser has
spatial (i.e. coherence with respect to space) as well as temporal (i.e.
coherence with respect to time) coherence. All the photons emitted are in same
d. Highly Directional
Laser beam is in the form of an almost
parallel beam emitted only in direction and emerging through very small cross
section. The divergence of laser light is very small. The laser can travel
very long distance without spreading.
e. Plane Polarized
Laser light is plane polarized
light. All the waves of laser wave only one plane of electric
vibrations. The stimulated emission and resonant cavity are responsible for
polarization of laser.
Types of Laser:
Lasers are
commonly designated by the type of active medium used. There are four types of lasers:
1. Solid
state laser 2. Gas
Liquid dye laser 4.
Semiconductor diode laser.
Some lasers work in
continuous wave mode and some lasers work in pulsed mode.
1. Solid
state laser:
In solid state laser the active medium is
solid material having active centers. The first historical working laser was ruby laser, built by Maiman in 1960.
It is pulsed laser, having three level pumping scheme, operated by optical pumping.
Ruby laser is pulsed beam of red color, with wavelength 69430A.
Most popular solid state laser is Nd: YAG laser built in 1964. It has
four level pumping scheme, with optical pumping. This laser emits light in
infrared region.
2. Gas laser:
In 1961, Ali Javan, Bennett and Herriot
built first Helium-Neon(He-Ne) gas laser. It is operated with four level
pumping scheme and using electrical discharge. It is continuous wave laser of
wavelength 63280A.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
laser is one of the high intense lasers used in industries. It has four level
pumping scheme. This laser produces a light in infra-red region.
3. Liquid dye laser:
Dye lasers are liquid
lasers that use organic dye solutions as active medium and operated on optical
Semiconductor diode laser:
A semiconductor laser is forward biased p-n
junction diode. The first semiconductor laser was built by Hall and Nathen in
1962 using GaAs as active medium. This is small in size and
having high efficiency.
Applications of Laser:
Laser finds applications in wide variety
of field fundamental studies of basis sciences, electronics, civil, mechanical
engineering, medicine and industries. The fields, in which lasers are used, are
1. Holography is a technique of taking three dimensional (i.e. complete) picture of a given object or scene. Holography
is developed by laser.
2. The medical field uses laser for
Bloodless and painless surgery, welding of retina, destruction of malignant
tumors, dental field, ophthalmology.
3. The intense beam
of laser is very useful for different material working, as laser energy density
can be controlled according to required temperature of focusing material. Laser
is used in industrial purpose for welding, cutting, soldering, a hole drilling and heat
treatment for variety of materials.
4. Laser has widened
the range of information capacity of optical communication channel with the
help of fiber optics. Optical communication has brought revolution in communication
5.There are other applications
of laser are Laser printers for computers output ,Optical computing and signal processing, Playing video disks,
Reading printed bar codes, Measuring the range of distant objects, Laser scanning, Missile guidance, Laser weapons etc.
Very nice & useful information.
ReplyDeleteVery nice and informative article about laser