Real concept of flow of Electrons in Conductor

Real concept of flow of Electrons in Conductor

   Myself  Prof. KALI C. S. (M.Sc. M. Ed. D.C.S. ) having 45 years of Experience in Physics teaching. It is observed that there are misconceptions in the students regarding the flow of Electrons in the Conductor. Do you want to know the real secret of the flow of Electrons in the ConductorThen let us see the truth.

                  Every conductor is made up of atoms. The atom consists of  Electron         (e-), Proton ( H ), Neutron (n0 ). At the center of an atom, there is a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, making the nucleus positively charged. The electrons are revolving in different orbits around the nucleus.orbits round the nucleus.


Fig A

    Consider sodium metal having Atomic number  11. Its electron distribution is 2,8,1 and hence Valence electron will be 1. Fig A represents electrons distribution in the sodium atom.

Fig B

 Fig C

   To form a metal large number of atoms are arranged regularly to form a crystal as shown in Fig B. In the atom, the attractive force on electrons in orbit goes on decreasing as orbit number goes on increasing. The electron in the last orbit experiences the least force. When the crystal is formed, the electron in the last orbit loses control of the nucleus and becomes free. Thus every sodium atom gets converted to a sodium positive ion and the free electrons are in random motion in space between localized ions ( Fig C) and (Fig D ).

Fig D

       Let us consider one of the electrons at A at any instant. It will follow the random path due to collision with other electrons. After tine t it may be at B ( Fig D ). Every electron is in a different random motion. Due to these random motions of electrons, the number of electrons crossing across on either side of the cross-section is equal.


     Thus there is no current flow in metal even though electrons are in motion when the battery is not connected

Effect of application of voltage on metal:-

When a battery of voltage V is connected, it will supply electric energy

       E  =  Ve        to every electron of charge e.

        Due to this, each electron gets extra energy to move towards the +ve terminal of the battery.

      As already the electrons are in random motion now they get extra motion towards +ve terminal of the battery; i.e., random motion of electron gets superimposed by motion towards +ve of battery. Here each electron is in random motion along with slight motion towards the +ve terminal of the battery.

      To understand this more clearly let us see one day-to-day example. On the occasion of Anant Chaturdashi, there is a Ganapati procession. In the procession let us consider Lezim player team is performing with Lazim. When these players are performing at one place, all the layers are in random motion but the entire team is at one place. The procession is not moving. After some time the team leader forces the team to move forward without discontinuing the performance. Now players are in random motion along with the forward motion. But now the procession is in motion. Think  electron as player and the team leader who forces to move as voltage of  battery


             Fig E

Every Electron shifts towards the +ve terminal of the battery along with the random motion. Without voltage, the electron at point A would have been reached at point B in time duration T ( Fig E ). But on voltage application, electron reach at point B1 in time duration T. Thus there is a shift of 

BB1 = S in random motion of the electron in time T. This is the displacement   S  in time t  and  Drift velocity  V  =  S / t.

   Now the number of electrons crossing across on either side of the cross-section is not equal. Let n be the number of electrons crossing extra towards +ve terminal of the battery in time t. Total charge moving towards +ve terminal of the battery will be n.e in time t.

Thus the current I is the rate of flow charges.

I =  ne / t

Current = charge / time

 The current is the result of the shifting of random motion of the electrons towards the +ve terminal of the battery. The electrons are moving from the -ve terminal to the +ve terminal of the battery in the circuit. But the conventional current direction is from the +ve terminal to -ve terminal of the battery in the circuit.

For the animation of electron flow see the Video Source from Youtube


  1. Very well explained, Sir. Very very good work at this age.

  2. Great post Sir 👍👍
    Thank you very much as it cleared most of my doubts. Looking forward for your upcoming posts...

  3. Precise and to the point explanation. Simple language. Good work Sir!

  4. Very well explained in simple language...

  5. Great sir....
    It gives actual explanation due to visualisation

  6. Sir, beautifully explained. Thanks.

  7. Sir after many year I came in to contact of physics subject it was almost gone in shadow thanks sir I remembered my past the collage days

  8. Kali sir very nice and informative explanation.
    It gives basic understanding.

  9. Kali sir very nice and informative explanation.
    It gives basic understanding.

    Dr.Suresh Bagi

  10. Physics is a part of our life. It was great learning from u once again. Reminded about my college days. Very informative and nicely explained

  11. Respected Sir
    It is very Comprehensive and informative discussion about "Flow of Electrons"

  12. Very good sir.
    Nice explanation supported with suitable diagrams & viedeo.

  13. Very good platform sir...helpful for most of understand physics concepts

  14. Useful for understanding imaginary concept.

  15. Very precise and accurately written


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