How to draw the Ray Diagram for Images formed by Convex lens, Microscope and Telescope ?


How to draw the Ray Diagram for Images formed by Convex lens, Microscope and Telescope ?

Smart diagrams:

The points to be remembered for Scientifically correct and easy methods of drawing Smart diagrams in Physics.

1.   Diagram  size is  nearly HALF page of A4 size paper.

2.  Diagram must be drawn with pencil. (Take full size pencil, cut it into two parts and sharpen at both ends. Also fix on pencil to compass. )

3 . Usually use full scale (30 cm ) ruler.   

  Do You Want to Know?

How to Draw the Ray Diagram for Image formed by Convex lens due to Object kept beyond 2F1.  Let us see.

Convex lens focus:

Terms related with Convex lens:

Convex Lens : Rules for ray diagram :

1. Parallel ray to principal axis passes through focus on other side of convex lens.

2. Ray passing through Optical center of convex lens  goes un-deviated.

3. Intersection of these rays gives position of Image.

4. Taking object on left side of lens , position of Image can be found.

Convex lens ray diagram for Image due to Object kept beyond 2F1

Let us consider steps to draw ray diagram for Image due to Object kept beyond 2F1   of Convex lens :

Step 1: Draw line in the middle of half page.

Step 2:

1. Select a point 2F1 at 3 cm from margin. 

2. Draw a curve of length touching 3 lines above and below of

      middle  line, having 6 cm radius  and 2F1 as center.

Step 3:

1. Select a point 2F2 on principal axis at 6 cm from one end of curve
2. Draw opposite  curve of 6 cm radius  from 2F2.

Step 4:

  Select  points F1, F2 on principal axis from O on both sides at a distance equal to half distance between O and 2F1.

Step 5:

1.  Draw 1 cm AB arrow headed perpendicular line to Principal axis near

     margin as object.

2. Draw parallel line to axis from B up to lens, make this line to pass from F2 .

3. Then draw line passing through O from B till it intersects line through F2.

4. Draw perpendicular line A1B1 from intersection of above lines.


Step 6 :

The final Image due to Convex Lens when Object is kept beyond 2F1  And Image is formed between 2F2 and F2   and it is inverted, diminished , real .

Repeat Same Procedure To Draw Images Due To Object Kept

 1. At 2F1
 2. Between 2F1 and F1
 3. At F1  
 4. Between F1 and O

Images due to Convex Lens:


Image due to object kept between F1 and O:

Practice to Draw image due to object kept between F1 and O .


Compound Microscope:

To draw image due to Compound Microscope, follow the procedure used for convex lens.

Step 1:
 1. Compound Microscope Consists of  Objective and Eye-piece.
 2.  Turn the full page to horizontal, draw line at   middle of horizontal page.
 3.   Draw objective of radius 6 cm.
 4.   Fix the points 2F1O, F1O, O, 2F2O, F2O.

  5.   Draw object of 1 cm height between 2F1O, F1O and complete diagram

         for  image A1B1 as per procedure .

Final image A1B1  due to Objective of Microscope, which is magnified , inverted, real.

Step 2:

Select point X at 3 cm from image A1B1 .

Step 3:

1. Draw Eye-piece with radius 8cm taking  1F1E at 8 cm from X.
2. Fix points 2F1E, F1E, O, 2F2E, F2E.

Step 4 :

1 Draw final image A2B2 with eye-piece taking   A1B1 as object.
2 Final image is magnified, inverted ,virtual.



To draw image due to Telescope, follow the procedure used for convex lens.

Step 1:

1. Telescope  consists of Objective and Eye-piece.

2. Turn the full page to horizontal, draw line at middle of horizontal page.

3. Draw objective of radius 8 cm. Fix the points 2F1O, F1O, O, 2F2O, F2O.

Step 2 :

1. Draw a line 1 passing through O with small inclination to horizontal.

2 . Then draw parallel line 2 to this above up to lens.

3. Make this line 2 to pass through F2E till it intersects line 1 at B1.

4. Draw first image A1B1 due to objective between F2E and 2 F2E


Step 3:

Fix point X at a distance of 2 cm from image A1B1 . 

Step 4:

1.     Fix point 2F1E  at 6 cm from X.

2.      Draw Eye-piece at X with radius 6 cm.

3.     Fix points 2F1E, F1E, O, 2F2E, F2E.


Step 5:

1. Draw final image A2B2 with  eye-piece, taking image A1B1

      as object for eye-piece .

2. Final image is magnified, inverted, virtual.


Thus using the given procedure ray diagrams can be easily drawn.

Thank You

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