Vector Diagram for Vehicle moving on curved Banked Road - Smarter Techniques
How to Draw Vector Diagram for Vehicle moving on curved Banked Road ? -
Banking means making road
bed slightly inclined to horizontal . This is done at curved road for safe driving . Fig A
represents cross section of banked road along with vehicle on curved road.
Consider vehicle of mass m moving with velocity v
on curved road of radius r and banked at angle of Ө. |
Normal reaction N is
resolved into NsinӨ and NcosӨ.
NsinӨ acts as centripetal force mv2 / r on
∴ NsinӨ = mv2 / r
NcosӨ = mg =
Weight of vehicle.
Using these equations we
This is the safe velocity
of vehicle on banked curved road.
In my blog related to
How to Draw Diagrams in Physics by Smarter Techniques ,
I have already discussed about general guide lines to
draw diagrams on A4 sheet in previous article.
So do you want to know ' How to Draw Vector Diagram f or Vehicle moving on curved Banked Road ' using given guide lines .
Let us learn with the help of following video the
actual smarter method of drawing the diagram.
Concept cleared